I like this idea aswell, but maybe not for all weapons and equipment. I think it would be great if certain things did have "unknown" stats, like special items. Codename guns would be a good example of a weapon to erase the stats on to give them a more of a mythical feeling. That is if they werent in such high use, seemingly being produced by someone, somewhere.
Now if any new ones are ever made then maybe do them this way as no one will know those stats unless they check ini's or flstat. Then anyone who posts those stats on the forum should be stoned to death by the rest of the community and the info deleted.
Maybe even offer some of these "special" items as rewards for good/helpful behavior or prizes for winning an event/race or "rp'er of the month" or something like that, giving them some real worth to those that earn them. It also sets up a "wow" factor for those new folk that scan someone and see one of these items that cant be bought or salvaged anywhere in-game.
*How did you get that ____? I've gotta get me one of those.*
"Well, ive followed the rules, rp'ed correctly, and participated on the forums. Do the same and you might get one some day."