<Upon entering the Bar, Katashi scans the faces present to locate The Senior AWES
representative, and upon seeing Don Vega, he straightens his Tie and strides in
Mr.Vega's direction.
As he approaches, Mr.Vega meets his gaze, at which Katashi stops at a respectful
distance of 2 meters, smiles at him with a slight bow, then approaches.>
"Mr. Vega, if I may, I would like to request a meeting between myself
and my engineering staff and that of AWES to discuss the logistics and technical
planning regarding your impending base movement.
My understanding has been that AWES would like to proceed with this activity post haste.
As such, I have already dispatched our Telemetry and Gravimetrics Shuttle to begin the
preliminary scans of the systems through which such a movement would most likely occur
so that we could begin to work out the finer detail while having some necessary data.
We could convene such a meeting at a mutually convenient location.
Say, Newark Station perhaps?