Before answering Mr. Katashi's query, Don politely holds up his hand to indicate a 'pause' prior to his response and gestures to Ms. de Vados to quickly join them. As luck would have it, she was close enough to be aware she was being sought out and promptly nears the two in discussion.
"Eylon, Mr. Katashi is seeking to advance our move project as he and his team are available to assist. We should advise Victor to contact him before Mr. Katashi's schedule gets busy with other projects. They'd prefer to schedule a meeting on Newark Station, so let's have Victor meet him there. Can you please relay the message to Victor and his team asap?"
Ms. de Vados nods in affirmation and proceeds elsewhere to get the communication underway.
"Mr. Katashi, you have no idea how much we appreciate your assistance with this project. It has extremely important benefits both in the near term with our trading opportunities with the Zoners of Galileo as well as other factions, and the Liberty itself in the long term, although that discussion is for another time."
"Victor is an extremely sharp individual who whipped our prior Racing Enterprises in Dublin into operation in no time at all. His dedication to his projects is truly awe-inspiring. We are glad to have him with our organization, and I'm sure you both will work well together, especially given your expertise and his eagerness to learn the material."
"He will reach out shortly to confirm your meeting and planning can proceed quickly, as we'd hope it could. I'm pleased to hear as well your initiative to begin data scans of the potential flight paths in anticipation of the first planning session - Victor will love that too, I guarantee it."