Kali class borderworlds light fighter. Hmm, was this the one Senor Vicci spoke of? Most likely, he recognized the man in front of the vessel, the chances of it being a different person would be low. There was a few crew with the gunship, and he wouldn't be needing them. A drink could probably do them some well, as long as they dont end up with a death threat on some fool Zoners that spilled their glass. That would waste time, and he would rather they dont go off on during their job.
Perez, Ortiz, Amati, go find yourselves a drink before you get bored with the ship. Dominguez, Romano, watch the ship. If anyone comes close you can test out your new weapons. Blast the Zoners if they come close.
Harabero grins and tilts his head to one Romanos modified pocket cannon, still bearing the insignia of the Order agent it was taken from. The Zoners glance away and head in the opposite direction.
Well, it was time to get to business, then? As the crew gleefully head to the bar or stay with the ship, the Don walks toward the man next to the light fighter. He waves a hand and gives a call.
Ay! Is this Senor Leon Vicci? Senor Alejandro Harabero here.