ORIGIN: Born on Neu Berlin, Last Known residence, Cambridge.
PREVIOUS JOBS/SKILLS/AFFILIATIONS: *The Following is an extract of Col. Alexander Von Christman's intelligence file* Born on Neu Berlin.
Graduated from New Berlin Military Academy top of his class.
Veteran of the Nomad War.
Former Rheinland Intelligence Colonel, Defected.
Suspected Bundschu symphathizer.
Deemed Politically compromised.
Cannot be assassinated due to spouse (*See Sophia Von Christman nee' Beckett) being a former Bretonian diplomat and connected to New London aristocracy.
Children: One Daughter: Helena Von Christman, Age 22.
Last known residence, Gradiscourt Estate, Cambridge.
Current Location Uknown.
Skills: Expert in diplomatic work, smuggling and intelligence operations, covert incurssions and undercover infiltration.
DESIRED POSITION: Military Arm-Preferably Intelligence and posing as a diplomatic liaison.
WHY DO YOU WISH TO JOIN US: To keep my family safe and deal with the anomaly situation.
DISCORD: acd1939.
Why do you want to join the faction? How will you benefit RP and provide fun?: Pretty good roleplayer and team player.