Name of claimant: Miriam Sanders Name of target vessel:
Maggie - Outcast Aspis
Deathcoaster - Rogue Scylla (suicided) Identification: Maggie Deathcoaster Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo: Maggie Deathcoaster (suicided) Brief report/link to mission debrief:
Maggie - Routine patrol turned up an Outcast vessel. Target was immediately regarded as hostile and taken care of.
Deathcoaster - Encountered near Planet Manhattan. When things didn't go favorably for him as one vessel of the Delta wing arrived, the pilot decided to crash into Manhattan's atmosphere. Your bank: 46th|LNS-Attrition Amount Owed: 7.5 million (Maggie) + 12.5 million (Deathcoaster) = 20 million