To:Rheinland Goverment, Registrierungsbüro From:Julian Müller, Kruger Vorsitzender Location:Breuninger Depot, New Berlin Subject:Permission for defence Encryption:Medium
Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,
We got informations about increased Underground activitys into the Omegas and Rheinland, who says that some Stations got attacked and Destroyed by Pirats.
Our Station in Omega 7 the Krüger Mineralien Facility was already dismantled by ourself to protect our Workers down there, now we need some stationary defence for our Station in New Berlin,
Breuinger Depot is a very Important for the Rheinland Economy and for sure for our Company.
Our plans intend a possible maximum of six Weapon Plattforms to increase the defending ability of our Station.
We would like, if its possible to see this as an Eilantrag.
For Rheinland!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Julian Müller
Vorstandsvorsitzender, Krüger Mineralien