' Wrote:This sounds like a pretty good idea but i think that 1,5 is too much.
An adv. train has 5000 cargo and with that upgrade it would have 7500 cargo.
It will be abused. Should be maybe only 1,2 but you still lose 50% of your hull.
That's quite enough or not?
I like that idea
Sounds like the first bit O' math was good. I mean, if by "abused" you mean "used" then so what. It just means that, they are more vulnerable to pirates and more juicy.
I abuse/use every piece of equipment I buy. I use it all, all the time to full effect against and on every applicable scenario.
I also think other auxilery equipment might be cool, like shield boosters. Same as armor upgrade but enhances shileds. Takes the same slot though so you cannot have ships carrying "it ALL"
THat or allow auxillery items to take turret hard points.