(09-18-2023, 06:25 PM)Haste Wrote: The sheet is read-only but you can check the "calculators" below the ship stat spreads to see what they mean.
Recharge = 35000 + (875 * Powercore Score)
Capacity = 720000 - (36000 * Powercore Score)
Capacity scales down with score where recharge goes up. This is to prevent powercores from being an overly dominant stat, as was the case during testing before we made this change.
I will say it for easier stat balanced and seeing what you really try about it ...
But i have done some "Calculations" ...
But still by power core, is not fitted as
"Power Output | Max Capacity"
Seeing the list or maybe i am seeing it wrong ...
Core gunship become a Heavy Gunboat (Same as BHG Gunship)
What it cost me a lot is, Rheinland Gunboat passed from Heavy gunboat to some kind Mid-Light gunboat instead ...
Are that DATA actually correct? because it don't seem to be likely ...
Buffing all the way to Gunship in powercore and leaving Gunboat (which by definition should be heavier) as Mid or Light boats ...
With all due respect, who was the "Stupid" who did calculations?
Chaging that way light become medium or heavy boats while the all life light are moving to become the top ones ...
Heavier ships should stay high power core and high recharge, while lighter should get less power core and low recharge but more on "Agility" state
I really don't wanna try the "Armor" numbers because only seeing it i belive to where is that going ...
Unless the "Formula is actually bad sided i don't belive Excel will miss the data ... according to what you @Haste actually are writing ...
As more capacity less recharge ... and as far i always belived, recharge isn't always meant to keep the fire sustaining of the guns even the weaker ones ...