SENDER: James Silverton
SOURCE: Bering
RECIPIENT: The Office of Naval Intelligence, Handler 36
SUBJECT: Dismantling of hostile vessel
Evening Handler 36.
- I confirm that the ship in question "The Angel" will be ready for you/your personel when they arrive.
- 100 Marines are stationed and will depart on your orders only.
- I will proceed with the shipping of the Angel ins crew to Fort Bush and Manhattan immediately as intended.
- The Data key card to fire up the Angels drivecore engine is with Marine 1, the officer in charge of securing this station, call him on the holocomm.
He is also asigned orders to only give that keycard to a by you apointed personel.
- You can fly that ship to a scrapyard, barely, but it will fly, however poorly due to ongoing engineering atm.
I consider myself relived of duty then from "The Angel" operation.
May she become a memory of our "Victory over the ins" and instill sound reasoning in the "ins-leftovers" still sculcing about.