Posts: 3,105
Threads: 270
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
Darren "Haymaker" Hayward Date of Birth: 04.01.804 AS Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles, California
Apparently my family used to be farmers, decades ago, before the Great Californian Drought. But by the time I was born, Synth had taken over all the agriculture on Los Angeles, so my family's a bunch of janitors and garbagemen now. I grew up swiping tubes of paste when the clerks weren't looking at the grocery store. Juvie kinda sucked, and I didn't wanna end up on the Wall. After I got out of highschool, some dude asked if I wanted to join the Hellfire Legion. I'd heard about them on the news, and figuring that free rations, not having to pay to play billiards, and not ending up on the Wall was a good deal, I said yes. I didn't mind fighting a war in exchange for all that, on account of I was good enough at it not to die.
Flash forward several years. I'm still a lieutenant -- not that I mind, note -- and I'm the king of the pool hall. But I haven't heard back from my squad lead for two days and everyone at base is too busy to answer my questions about it, so I shrug and just go out on a lone patrol. When I come back, the comms guy at Hesperia is gone and some chick with a Houston accent tells me it's called "Fontana" now. I get a bad feeling so I just go to Rochester instead. I'm a little afraid of getting shanked on account of I have two functioning kidneys, but apparently I'm good enough at pool that the scrappers think I'm a stand-up guy. I think they were betting on me every time some noobie came around, but that's just a guess, I don't really know.
Anyway, flash forward another three years, and uh, I guess the Legion, or Insurgency or whatever, is definitely done for. I definitely don't think my squad leader's alive. One of the guys at Rochester said I was "wasting my talent ripping off freelancers at Rochester" and "would get a great reception at Buffalo". I asked him where "Buffalo" was, and he laughed at me and sent me this neural net address. So, uh, if anyone wants to roll out the red carpet for me, now's your chance, here I am.
ooRP information How long have you been playing Discovery?
Technically since 2007, but really on and off since August 2009.
Have you ever been sanctioned?
Yes; several dozen times. But apparently it was long enough ago that it didn't stop me from becoming a moderator