Biography:Born on Planet Toledo before the destruction of the planetary base, was found adrift in an escape pod and was later rescued and transported to Taba starbase, I did soft jobs helping out where i could (Cleaning, cooking, even took up mechanics to work on spacecraft), as i got older and came to age i appiled to join the forces to hopefully make a change for our people, I built myself up running missions killing the nomad and wild ships, I built myself up enough credits to purchease my own Battlecruiser which i now fly to patrol and offer assistance to allied ships and transport.
Why do you wish to join us?:I wish to join to make a change for the order and offer a safer and more protected system for our people, I haven't found many active Order groups until today where i was approached by one of your members who offered me to join.
What Wing you are applying for REVENANT/SAGE/SHADOW:REVENANT, SAGE or SHADOW
Discord user name:"Tickalsiinz"
OoRP Section
How long are you playing Disco: So far i spend most of my free time playing disco or other games, but sometimes I have to leave all of a sudden due to being an On-Call Firefighter.
Have you ever been sanctioned:I have never been sanctioned or banned from Discovery Freelancer