Current Ship:Osiris Class Vessel: OCV-Zisa. Additionally, a Blood Dragon Katana Heavy Fighter
Biography:I am Rishin (pronounced Ree-Shin). Born in 797 AS and raised aboard the Blood Dragon base Kyoto. It was through a joint training program between the Dragons and the Order that I came to be a member of the latter. From 823 AS until 831 AS, I trained hard and studied harder. I was allowed the honor to enroll in the Order’s officer academy in 825 AS, and in 829 AS I was given my first field assignment as first mate to a Zoner cruiser captain stationed in Omicron Delta. We defended the system from the Nomads day in, and day out. In fact, my first encounter with a, seemingly angry, Nomad Battleship form was during my tenure on this vessel. That’s a day I will not soon forget. My position there was brief, though, and in 831 AS I graduated from the academy. There was a catch, of course. An agreement was made before the start of the joint training program that allowed the Order to recruit select individuals to bolster their ranks, with the provision that should the Dragons ever be in a dire straits situation, we may return to our home to fight valiantly for the Dragons once more—albeit without the assets the Order loans to us. Through that agreement, I was offered a battleship captain role with the Order which I promptly accepted, and from there I was made captain of a seemingly fresh-off-line Osiris class vessel, the Zisa. I do my nation proud through my service with the Order.
Why do you wish to join us?:To gain further experience in battle, and experience working in larger fleets.
What Wing you are applying for REVENANT/SAGE/SHADOW:Sage and/or Shadow Wing.
Discord user name:a7om
OoRP Section
How long are you playing Disco:Played solo for a time back in 4.85 around 2013-2015, nothing too serious. Got back into it for at least a year now, and want to start delving into player factions.