1.0 - Be friendly!
1.2 - Cheating or exploiting game rules or mechanics is not allowed.
2. ID and Combat Rules:
2.0 - Every ship must have only one ID equipped (mounted), and play in a way that represents the role of that ID.
2.2 - If your ship is destroyed or you dock during a hostile player encounter, you must leave the system without cargo and not enter the system or attack anyone involved in the encounter for 1 hour. Trade Ships docking during a hostile player encounter are not considered to have been destroyed and can un-dock with cargo at their own risk.
2.3 All IDs Can:
> Attack IDs that are hostile/enemies to their ID/Faction
> Attack in self-defense If Attacked
2.4 - Terms used in IDs:
"Allies" - Ships of the same non-Generic affiliation or ID, Ships defined as your ID's allies on the in-game faction rep sheet, or Ships you are currently flying in group with. You cannot be in group with hostile ID ships .
Define Offensive combat role - only rule about this is Transports with CDs mounted.
"Alien Materials" - Artifacts, Low-Grade Artifacts, Xeno Relics, Nomad Power Cells, Nomad Remains, Azurite Gas
Including Uncharted Materials in this category will give a free fire advantage to certain factions. The cargo is subject to piracy rules while within Uncharted system and outside (depending on ID). They need to be defined as a different category of materials (since they are not of Nomad provenience) and be subject to different rules. This is work, but the other side is Order, Core, Auxo and all House Intelligence agencies going shooting people who come out of the Uncharteds carrying these.
"Piracy" - a reasonable credit or cargo or RP demand issued to a ship which can be attacked if an agreement isn't reached. A Credit demand must not exceed 50% of trader cargo value. A Cargo demand must not exceed your ship/group cargo limit. A RP demand can represent a question, conversation or distribution of certain cargo. Empty ships can still be pirated - 10 Sirius Credits per Cargo unit or RP demands
Siege Declarations last for one week
- with the current system, 2 hours of vulnerability over 2 weeks and useless defensive platforms, odds are not on the defenders side, as seen in the live test non toxic Kansas siege.
When outside ZOI, attack any ship to defend Allies, except while flying Cruisers, Battlecruisers, or Battleships.