(11-21-2023, 06:12 PM)Haste Wrote: I feel like maybe if all the defenders can muster is Literally Nothing, they shouldn't be able to stop any number attackers from hitting the cap.
It kind of works both ways. If the aggressors are truly that small a group they should be trivial to repel, especially as at that scale weapon platforms are highly impactful. While sieges are historically associated with large groups, virtually every activity in the game is available to solo players. From building a PoB, to mining, to trading, to PvE. I don't see why sieges should suddenly require some large force.
We're likely going to reduce the siege window to a single week, however, as two weeks of "high alert" is a little much. It'll also help reduce the required winrate of the defending side.
I've been trying to figure out how to give Weapon Platforms some form of AoE pulse damage to help them be more effective against larger groups of attackers, too, with the only caveat being that that is also going to affect ship powercores. We're likely going to figure out a decently functional system that doesn't impact sieges where no defenders are present, however.
But this isn't about defenders mustering "literally nothing".
Envision a scenario in which a base is attacked by two players, in two gunboats. And they're good. The defenders can get people to defend, but not always, and they can't always win - still, they defend successfully in 3 out of 4 windows. That's below the 79% Lemon mentioned, which I haven't done the math for but assume is most likely accurate.
The base dies. To two people in gunboats who lost most of their fights.
That doesn't seem quite right. Nor do I think weapons platforms are the solution to this. Bases without platforms should also have a reasonable survival chance in such a scenario. Like yeah, a base that is in an area, of an IFF, that is expecting attack, should be significantly better protected, but bases shouldn't be required to have platforms to survive an attack.
Don't get me wrong, bases should die to dedicated groups of attackers that overcome their opponents regularly. But to some incredibly half-assed attempt by like two people that don't even log or are defeated most days? Nah, I don't think they should.