With a last-minute supplier change, the corsairs at Lagos have reached the limit of their stocks, even after purchasing from Madrid at a premium. The Elders agree that the rest of the munitions will have to be acquired from the original sources at Kreuzberg, despite the difficulties of the route. The junkers of Kreuzberg, warned by their comrades at Madrid, have decided to sponsor other sources of munitions in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed on the docks. Sources have informed the Outcasts that Trafalgar Base has all the equipment they need for a "smashing" good price, as long as they're willing to leave Kreuzberg behind. The administrators of Trafalgar Base, already forewarned by the increasing demand, has been steadily stockpiling weapons for just such an eventuality. They are ready to welcome their new customers with open arms, and burgeoning stocks of freshly imported equipment.