1. This is a blatant attempt by Dev to troll lawful power trading.
(and is most likely an upstairs conspiracy involving multiple Disco staff)
"We put the fix in for Ol' Dylan Hunt, now we come to bollocks the rest of it"
2. "BPA's Chief Inspector Bloody-Hell-what's-her-face" is not the name of that character.
If you read'n any official communique, then you ain't reading anything important.
Her name is "Mum" and only that.
You're Mum's mates, not the other way round.
3. The hidden rules of this faction are as follows.
A. CD anyone who comes through the lane, even Lizzy's own royal burial box.
1-A. You ask what they got and where they're be wondering off to.
(Because the last thing your scanner had ever displayed was the wireframe of the Gallic bruv that killed the pilot before you)
B. You must make every effort to ram every enemy ship(s) (Infinite Corsair Armada) at least once during an active combat encounter.
4. You are to address locals with propa courtesys
A. Authorized greetings
1-A. Legitimate Bretonian Law Enforcement: "Oi coppa"
2-A. Bret suits or paupers: "Oi gov"
1-B. Fellow Seedy: "Oi bruv" (this also doubles as insult when they burn in)
2-B. Mum: "G'day Mum!" > "Reporting for duty Mum!" > "Yes Mum I will do that for you immediately"
1-C. To all other Outsiders regardless their intention or the situational context: "Innit?"