NCC Gunship Custodian Commander Lieutenant Alfred Nolan
Good morning Field Maestre:
I come to present the report of the joint military actions that the NCC Custodian and the NCC Militant Lance have carried out with the Outcast and Phoenix forces.
The first thing, sir, is to indicate that the joint forces have been victorious this time. It has been three days of hard and constant battles against the Corsair forces, who have defended themselves desperately and fiercely, ending with the total destruction of three cruisers and a battlecruiser of the enemy, and the withdrawal of their battered fleet from the system. Freeport 9 is currently being assaulted, inside which hostile forces still resist, but being completely isolated there is no doubt that they will end up succumbing.
However, sir, something tells me that this is not over yet. At the moment there are still skirmishes throughout Theta with Corsair forces, and it is very likely that they will only withdraw momentarily to rebuild their forces and return to carry out a counterattack. They have been badly damaged and have suffered heavy losses, which will undoubtedly mean that they will have to weaken one of the many other combat fronts they have open throughout Sirius to reinforce their decimated forces in the Omicrons. Neverthless, I think they will be willing to do it in order to try to regain control over Freeport 9, because the Corsairs seem to display an irrational perseverance in their ideas which prevents them from learning from their own mistakes and explore other paths. Although I consider that is their main weakness, it's also one of the things that makes them extremely dangerous, along with their number. My recommendation, Field Maestre, is that we do not relax on this, and that we maintain military alert.
Regarding the purely operational aspect of the combat actions carried out, simply indicate that our ships have focused mainly on supporting the Phoenix fleet, as expressed in the orders received.
On the first day of fighting, the Custodian and the Militant Lance fought during the early stages of the battle until they were severely damaged and unable to continue. Both ships were towed to the Corfu Base drydock, where emergency repairs could be made. However, the Custodian's engine was so damaged that it could not be repaired in time for the second day of fighting, and the Militant Lance had to go out alone. Later the Lance received damage again and had to return to the Corfu drydock, from where it left for the last combat accompanied, now yes, by the Custodian.
Currently, both ships are undergoing repairs again, because the last assault on the enemy forces stationed around the Freeport was very tough. While the Custodian came out relatively safely and was able to return home after the battle under its own power, the Militant Lance had to be towed to Corfu, barely preserving its structural integrity with duct tape and prayers, if you'll pardon the expression. Both gunships are currently undergoing repairs again, and although we believe the Custodian will soon be operational again, the Lance is going to need a long season of fixes.
Despite the violence of the fighting, we only have to regret the loss of two crew members: Pikeman Alfonso Dominguez, gunner of the Custodian, and Pikeman Dylan Larson, scanner operator of the Militant Lance. Both brave men died in the line of duty, fighting for the freedom and unity of Mankind, and seeking the fulfillment of the Sacred Mandate of Deux Our Lord. May He allow them to merge in His Greatness.
The mortal remains of both crew members have already been sent to Faith Haven on the shuttles, so that they can be mourned by their loved ones and honored in the Temple as they deserve.