(11-23-2023, 12:04 AM)DSE- Wrote: I have no idea what LPI is doing. But I am picking up the very strong signals with the poll and huge percentage of decaying POBs, and seeing very dedicated players leaving. Lots of P*** off players no question. I have asked repeatedly for the Devs to come clean about their intentions with the Barge but utter silence. Why? Part of the Anti POB and Pro PvP dominance in the decision-making?
Firstly, it's already quite obvious that the LPI PoB in question has essentially been abandoned by it's owner before 5.0 even dropped.
Secondly, you're hiding behind a faction account and thus have no credibility. Who are you? What pissed off players? How many of them are there? You say lots, how many?
Thirdly, PoBs should never have been a one man job. Nor should Barges have existed to facilitate that.
I know several people who still play and own barges. Including using them successfully in jumping them to where they need to get the goods and then flying them back, having other faction members fly out to the Barge with 5kers to help offload the goods and take them where they need to go more quickly. With the barge gradually getting closer and closer to it's final destination, or docking once empty to restock Jump Batteries and Jump home. It's infocard literally states that it's essentially a mobile station and so should be treated as such.
This unbridled entitlement is exactly why you don't deserve to have it easy. Why should a single player be allowed to fill a barge and top up a base in the time it would take a 5ker to do one trip? No. Put in the time, play the game like the rest of us and exist in the universe to provide interactions in a manner that is necessary for this game to survive.
Got it hard? You're a Player Faction aren't you? Where are your members?
RPA|, a Molly faction, actively maintains a PoB just fine. This includes having to smuggle goods through a blockade that's now being enforced semi-regularly by other players. We do this without a Barge. We do this, because we have a base worth supplying. And we do this because we've made the necessary relationships with other players and factions in order to keep it running. The way it should be.
If a base is failing, then it clearly doesn't generate sufficient community interest or support to warrant it's continued existence.
When contending with a monster, you'd be wise to give the devil his due.