Mr. Richter, we've discussed what I wanted to discuss, so you're accepted as an affiliate. As far as I'm aware you don't have a transport ship yet, so your afilliate task will be to stock up your freighter with Hessian Tears and bring them to New London.
Mr. Rider, it's unusual to see a former junker seeking membership in our organisation, but I can understand the appeal. Your application has been approved. As an afilliate, your task will be to stock up our people on New London with a with shipment of artifacts from Crete.
Mr. Canterbury, I see you value your indepenence and I wholeheartedly agree. The Irregulars accept you as an Afiilliate. To start things up, you are to bring a full shipment of Black Market Robotics to New London.
Gentlemen, report your sucess, with a shipment manifest (screenshot next to New London with cargo and /time visible) in our Internal communication channel. I am also granting you an expanded access to our Internal network(Discord).