I've been thinking about how to organize dispositions for the events, and I think I came up with a workable solutions the keeps things fair and manageable without revealing too much to the other teams.
I will want a complete roster of all the ship names and classes for each team at least one hour before the event. After this time, you cannot change the ships on the rosters, but you can shuffle them around between main and reinforcement as you please (while keeping to the 20mil/10mil limits). If you do not want to post the roster publicly before it's due, pm me a list of all the ships and their classes.
Once the roster lock deadline hits (again, 1hr before event), I will be updating the slots with everyone's submitted rosters. Again, after this happens, you can only shuffle ships between main and reserve while keeping to the credit limits. At this point I will also be closing registration for any new players, except to replace an existing player who couldn't make it with the same ship class.