In the late hours of yesterday, i received an inbound communication from none other than Crowley. Cant say i was that surprised to be honest, i did kind of leave a little in a rush and with little explanation. Truth was... i wasn't really sorting anything out at all. I was more just... trying to make sense of the massive alien vessel that practically parked itself on Freeport. Of course, i don't think that is exactly the best opening line to return with. So instead i came up with something that was still technically true. That there was an urgent matter that came up. Yeah, a little bit of a stretch.
He mentioned Barrier Gate, in Coronado. Been awhile since i've been there... a good place to talk and go relatively unnoticed. I expressed my intent to meet there, and intended to arrive before the end of the current week. I'll head there tomorrow, hopefully we actually get to have our talk. Remains to be seen, but this is decidedly closer to a face-to-face than i was before.