SPECIES: Artificial Intelligence - Human. Make, Kishiro Softworks K.K. Model, K/WA-11 "Lovely Sweet Dream" Prototype. Serial Number 0027.
AGE: 13 years. Neural maturity is comparable to 24~ human years old.
GENDER: Female
ORIGIN: Oita, Planet New Tokyo, Kusari
PREVIOUS JOBS/SKILLS/AFFILIATIONS: Adjutant to Freeport 11 Administrator Nodoka Hanamura. Adjutant-Commander of Ouroboros, which is currently missing due to reasons unknown. Affiliate of Auxesia, callsign Yorha. Adept in Signals Intelligence analysis, Computer Sciences, Military Sciences, Electrical Sciences, Astronomics, Human Biology and Medicine - and finally, Xenoarchaeology.
DESIRED POSITION: Military Arm - I would like to pursue a transfer to the Reclamation Corps upon sufficient service rendered under the Civil Security Service.
WHY DO YOU WISH TO JOIN US: As a friend of the late Joshua Hunt, who at one point, honored me with the opportunity to be his protege, Auxesia's ideals and values have been in close alignment with mine. Whilst in recent days, I have spoken in faux pas towards the Gammu, what I stated was again, in gross error, and I do not condone, let alone tolerate the torturous acts of the Core against the Gammu - My erroneous statement as evidenced by Leviathan, was intended in reference to the PRIME who terminated an Gammuian entity, AI06 whom I was fond of. I implore the Auxesian High Command to allow me to be inducted into the ranks. I shall correct my mistake by any means needed, and undertake initiate training through the utmost diligence and determination. I will not befall the same errors my sister, Jae-un Song, had years before.
DISCORD: nodokahanamura
Why do you want to join the faction? How will you benefit RP and provide fun?: Auxesia's honestly my best bet at giving a damn about Disco again. That and rolling with you guys so far has been bringing back fond memories of the old days. As I said before in my feedback thread, this time around's a trial period to see how things will go this time around - that being said, with only one character to worry about, and not much else holding me back within Disco itself, you'll have my full attention this time around. As for benefiting RP, well - Ven and Peti wouldn't have humored me all those years ago if I was some lolwut, right?