(05-19-2024, 08:37 PM)Big Bison Bessie Wrote: It's really a player thing, I dunno if there is anything code wise the devs can do here. Team work is OP, simple as that. When a whole squad of guys shows up and you got no way of having backup, it's hard to justify either as a player or in character of suiciding into a group fight by yourself or with one other guy. I mostly fly by myself or with just one other guy so it can be a challenge to track down and fight a group of say 10 guys without just dying. I have thankfully had a few instances of showing up to a huge wall of enemies and hanging around and dueling one guy, but there's nothing to stop all 10 from attacking you at once. And really, what would you even do there? Fair play and RP engagements and the need to PVP don't always mesh.
This pretty much sums it up.
Not that I really will ever complain. If I run into a group of people i fully expect to get double teamed at best.