Name: Mhairi Rathburn Location: GFS New Colossus, Sigma-15 Subject: June Briefing
Good morning,
I would like to preface this briefing by stating that Klugmann is likely to be returning home to our territory "soon", as he put it. I've conferred with the work he's seen to abroad, and the Flotilla is making public the opportunities that said diplomatic and cartographic efforts have opened up to us. In essence, the Bundschuh has approved of a wider operational range considering these opportunities and circumstances.
Because of the multiple theatres for the Bundschuh to consider operations within at present time, they'll be divided into several attachments demarcated by region.
With one glaring exception, Rheinland's operations are liable to remain "status quo". Most of our stations and strongpoints are in no more elevated a risk of existential harm; and I'm informed that Bielefeld's gas mining and Saverne's "Naiad Project" proceed about as well as could be hoped, given the circumstances.
This glaring exception is Tennsdedt and the general situation in Thuringia. The remnants of Planet Gotha have begun to display alarming readings -- Though the astrophysicists and Order consultants aboard Tennsdedt do not believe the station is at immediate risk. Our proximity to Gotha and the attention the system will receive from all manner of eyes and ears are worrying in themselves, however, and we will likely have to keep an elevated level of security in the system if we hope to maintain our presence there for much longer. The "mutual accord" with the Buro is unlikely to hang on by the thread it has, should the Empire begin benefitting from their own research here.
In summary:
- Continue operations against Corporate and Regime targets of opportunity.
- At your discretion, attempt to educate the undecided or wavering on the cruelties of the Empire's ideologies and practices.
- Target traffic to, from, and upon Hammersee and its prison-industrial complex where possible.
- Pending Cell referendums, actively keep all parties save the Bundschuh and Order AWAY from the Gotha field in Thuringia.
As you by now know, the Bundschuh have approved of operational extension to all Sigma-cluster systems until otherwise specified. In general almost all permanent stations in the cluster are held by the Gas Miners Guild; as such, consider fuel-efficient conversions of your VP-series engines over those favoring performance should you operate in these systems. Stations that we possess reliable docking access to are very few and far between, solely clustered in Thirteen and Fifteen.
Our objectives in the Sigma systems include the following:
- Harass GMG mining and Miuran prisoner-industrial shipments -- The Guild are experts at flexible, guerrilla defense. Be careful.
- Interdict the Cardamine/Stabiline trade.
- Carefully explore the Crow Nebula for promising sites for fortification or exploitation.
- Potentially, launch raids on Corsair-administrated Freeport Nine's biodomes, to alleviate the relentless sledgehammer pressure the Corsair Empire levies on Rheinland and Omega-5.
Klugmann has sent up-to-date navmap charts to your respective Cell leaders in advance of his return -- Unfortunately, we've had far less luck securing a reliable and "safe" route of entry through Liberty's border systems. Both Bering and Hudson are held by forces decidedly unfriendly to perceived "competition" or intrusion into their turfs, though the Bristol Corporation's neutral and Freeport-esque standing towards most polities likely makes Bering the safer route. Talks regarding collusion or cooperation with those fighting against the Republic of Liberty from its underbelly are thus far inconclusive.
Because of this, safe havens for docking are not much less few and far-between than in the SIgma systems: the only three in our approved operating range we know of are Bristol Bay, Beaumont, and (as a last resort) Bethlehem.
Our objectives in Texas and Pennsylvania include the following:
- Begin operations against Libertonian armed forces and aligned corporations.
- Strike at the Texan prison-industrial complex, as well as Pennsylvanian commerce.
- Until further notice, treat "unlawful" elements in Liberty with non-aggressive neutrality unless in self-defense.
- Many Zoners quietly chafe under Liberty's rule but have yet to take active action against it -- Do not needlessly endanger them through your actions.
We have also been granted clearance to operate in the Zurich side of the Alsace Passage, as well as in Omega-3. While we've clearly a phenomenal amount on our proverbial plates as-is, we should remain aware of opportunities to respectively aid anti-Gallic Union forces and the Molly movement, respectively.
Our objectives for our Western Frontier include:
- Striking at the Zurich mining operations to hamper the Gallic Union, considering the Treaty of Oerlikon's implications.
- Harassment of Kingdom of Bretonia-aligned assets in Omega-3 to try to draw attention away from Dublin's defense.
- Assessment of the teeming population on Planet Sprague for both relief and radicalization efforts.
Please feel free to contact me if you've any questions or concerns. Good luck, Platformers.
Mhairi Rathburn
GFS New Colossus, Gloaming Flotilla What if?