...I'm hopin' one o' those fine overstuffed's still has me name on it, Lass.
I know it's been hard on yez, havin' me come back from a mission you'd heard had been the end o' old Sancho; and findin' me a little less'n alive, yet less'n dead either.
Davey, ye done put me in a precarious position there for awhile, but I'm thankin' ye now. Had ye not made me one o' yer Crew, I'd o' never seen me precious Skyedaughter again.
So, Widow she is, but not, when it comes to havin' a breathin' husband about.
And as to bein' a Widow to the Siren Call o' the stars, she is that, and not as well.
We still be workin' out the details o' that..
Better Undead 'n grounded on the off night than eternally lonely, I sez.
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast