PREVIOUS JOBS/SKILLS/AFFILIATIONS We were the Affiliated logistic and finances Support AI of Threadripper RnD, Dr. Nana Threadripper. A dual core mind type of AI to counter check each other for mistakes while striving to aim for perfection of the assigned tasks.
WHY DO YOU WISH TO JOIN US: With Dr. Nana Threadripper joining the official ranks of the Technocracy it make sense to us to follow that we can continue to support her undertakings. We heard from your associates over our time in Sirius and you never failed to disappoint us in those stories. We feel those two mentioned reasons are enough to underline our intention of becoming a member and citizen of the Technocracy.
DISCORD: Already in.
Why do you want to join the faction? How will you benefit and provide fun?: The main people I interact with are under Aux banner and fly from the home system Inverness. I am a non-combat person mostly hence why I like to be part of a group that can understand that. I am flexible in Roleplay and am willing to help if it matches my free time.