I commend you on you choice of Ms. Hilbrandsen as the Stronghold administrator. Her talents in human resources will serve us well in fleshing out the staff and crew for the base. She has otherwise shown her further prowess in the fields of administration and logistics necessary to excel in this new task.
Ms. Greta, as always, my door is open should you have any problems with which you require assistance.
I extend this offer to the entirety of the incoming staff and crew at Artemis Stronghold. Only in working together can we grow our enterprise to it's fullest potential and set a new standard of enterprise and power in the region.
I look forward to working with you all in our new adventure, and believe that we shall indeed secure a prosperous future for ourselves, our extended family and the other working peoples within our influence.
Thank you, President Fullard for making these advances possible, and Congratulations again to our new base administrator.