Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts Schatten Research Facility, Frankfurt System
Fritz Messer
Grand Opening
Herr Messer,
Given our shared mutually fruitful relations with the Core, the BDM welcomes this new collaboration.
We have some concerns, however, regarding any GMG involvement. GMG relations with Rheinland at large have been progressively more strained due to in increase of reports concerning GMG raids on Rheinland Military and Kruger vessels in Frankfurt and Luneberg, as well as circumstantial rumors of a possible collaboration with Hessian terrorists. While the Buro itself prefers to maintain a less hostile posture with the Gas Miners for the time being, we have reason to believe that an escalation may occur in the near future which may necessitate a more active Buro involvement. That being said, if the Core happens to secure a favorable diplomatic solution with the GMG, we at the Buro would not view this 'cost of doing business' as anything but that.
Regarding the other points, we have no objections and are willing to participate in earnest.
Kai Siegfried, Director Büro des Marinenachrichtendienstes