My tutorial, StellarVisses’ guide on how not to get sieged, has sparked debate about the previous siege on Scaglainne Oir. I would appreciate it if all related discussion could be moved to this thread, as this isn’t a tutorial thread.
Now, my opinion on that siege:
The players who bought the base in question failed to account for the factions present in the system or the situation in Dublin at all. The Mollys had finally driven out BMM by destroying Graves and the Jump Gate. Bretonia, a house in an economic downward spiral, relied on the gold mined there to stay afloat. Now, losing access to the system, they imposed an embargo on any ship entering Dublin, allowing only their corps and the Bounty Hunters to enter.
The base, originally named Scaglainne Oir, was formerly known as Goldgeist under the BMM IFF and was registered under the Bretonian base registry. With the changes to Dublin in 5.0, the owners of Goldgeist sold the base to a freelancer group that renamed it Scaglainne Oir and changed the IFF to Freelancer in an attempt to comply with the Mollys.
As the Mollys were preparing to declare on it, the base was put up for sale, stopping the siege from happening. The new owner was an indie Molly group named the Bretonia Rogue Ragers. The base was left alone (Would you attack this chap?), but that peace lasted only until RPA saw unknown people flying to the base and using it. They sent a comm, only to find out that Scaglainne Oir was under new management by a group of freelancers who were unknown to the RPA|. They were opening the base as a Freeport. The only course of action for the cornered Mollys was to declare on it. The Artemis Alliance, who failed to make contact with the Mollys, tried to negotiate a way out. Unfortunately for them, they were unknown to the RPA|, and their promise that no one would be able to dock meant nothing. Why would the Mollys trust an unknown group of freelancers?
Now, why didn’t BAF| move to assist a registered base? Well, it broke the law by being a freelancer base in Dublin, which is a restricted space military zone only allowing Bretonian corps to construct bases inside. I’m sure that BAF| would have been the first to siege that base, but server rules prevented them from doing so. Why would they make an exception for a group of unaffiliated freelancers trying to set up a Freeport? A Freeport in Dublin would hinder everyone’s efforts to make it their own system, so they advised the Aegis Initiative not to enter the conflict. (Also, the money provided was a small amount.) Aegis, being a Bounty Hunter group, values the government of a House more than a group of freelancers, so they followed the advice.
As for the Sails, they were there just for the pew (to be honest, it was fun). They had no intention of actually defending the base, even allowing the Mollys to shoot it to the damage cap at one point.
Beyond this, there is no big conspiracy of official factions keeping Dublin and the gold from the rest of the players. To quote my own guide: this base was in a bad location, and the Artemis Alliance did not reach out to any faction active in the system.