Name: "Civil Servant" Location: Bruchsal Subject: Von Claussen
Reports from our team deployed on the Elbe carrier we're acquiring from the Technocracy have overviewed what they can on its systems while its being in transit, surveying of critical systems that needs immediate attention has been a priority, we've met delays in getting the vessel from Omega-55 into home territory and you shall be updated when we can secure its next and final movement towards Wolfsburg. In the meantime, this should outline our next steps once we succeed in securing the Von Claussen.
This is where my efforts in the research of new deployable technologies and systems for us to integrate into our arsenal is one of my specialties, production of its components are another matter which would require the involvement of the Platform as a whole, made more apparent with the idea of supporting one of the heaviest vessels we've ever had at our disposal. Logistical support and maintenance of the vessel is one issue that we've already resolved by leasing time out of Wolfsburg to conduct heavy repairs of the vessel once its arrived.
You'll find below a report of our preliminary engineering overview:
The Von Claussen, as it has been deemed by the Platform assembly, is to be the flagship of the unified Platform with a federated command participated by all it's cells. This vessel is being supplied by Auxesia, how they managed to get their hands on such a frame I won't question. But the challenge of rebuilding the vessel has come under great difficulty, so in hopes of what will be a blossoming friendship, they have offered the vessel for our use as long as we can actually fix it... it's carrier background would suit our efforts well and its overall compact size not only requires less crew to maintain the vessel compared to its bigger Bismark brother, its much better suited for traversing the fields that we reside within and to enhance our mobile deployment ability for a snub-craft strike force in areas far from friendly installations such as the "Hamburg-Texas" aid corridor that lacks any reputable bases for reliable cover.
It's engine is cumbersome and not fit for purpose, I understand the Technocracy reliance to ensure this ship is able to traverse anomalous regions of space but this ship isn't capable for such an expeditions under the flag of the platform and will have to be refitted for wartime use. Prioritizing maintainability, redundancy and efficiency as key factors for its design. Our engineers and research teams of Severne
This ship will also likely host paramilitary command meetings along with being the formal representative vessel of the Platform in the terms of dealing with diplomatic missions with other militarized fighting forces. But this is all being floated in question...
The ship is still in the hands of the Auxesians located in Inverness and its current condition means that it must fly with heavy combat support to delay off any ships getting close to its defense perimeter which is currently inactive. We're already plotting an escape route in question, while the "Hamburg-Texas" corridor is the shortest route it will unfortunately light up everything on the liberty defense grid. Whats been resorted by our intelligence network is that the Vespucci passage is being considered... It will be a challenge to ensure the ship is masked but as long as we can time our screening forces correctly we can respond against incoming threats that are alerted by our passage.
As you can tell, we have our work cut out for us to bring this ship back to active service for our frontlines, the unstable jumphole to Omega-55 still severely limits our capability to supply large amounts but thankfully the carrier design should allow a higher turn around of smaller freighters to unload and return with relative ease... Although this is not an ideal solution to start repairs of the vessel in such a horrific system.
But once we've managed to limp this ship back home, our first objective would be replacing the Power-Core and Propulsion systems as they're the running heart of the ship. Beyond even a method of repair once we've tipped the scales on its shelf-life. Unfortunately the lack of replacement parts for its systems during its time in inverness has resulted in some critical power management systems overridden and components driven over life expectancy Unfortunate to say that we need a full strip and replacement on this system and we may be looking at turning towards some help in sourcing components...
Now, components, not the entire design. The classified nature of the Elbe has left many of its thousands of engineering documents under corporate lock and key, Patents and protections cause a nightmare for anyone trying to reverse engineer and leak its designs as open-source. Although conveniently with the arrival of a advanced prototype vessel, one I want to thank the cells of the Platform personally for assisting in rescuing the XU-001 as it has allowed us to obtain some decisive schematics for large scale projects and advanced technologies, one critical to that are the new Hybrid Nuclear Pulse engine systems that were deployed to the Federal arsenal just before the outbreak of the Civil War.
High efficiency, ease of maintenance for repairs in remote locations, long service capability with minimal downtime,... Usually that's not the goal of generating a profit but we're looking at designing systems people can trust to run rather than an overwhelming power, this new system we're referencing as the Compressed Nuclear Pulse system which utilizes higher compression rations for fuel distribution on efficient burning during propulsion. We're predicting at best a 30% reduction in fuel consumption for comparable output to the large scale VP models manufactured by Daumann, although we'll need to source a reliable supplier for some advanced materials to begin its construction...
As such I've listed the outlying objectives for this vessel below, if there are any hands available to ensure we can fulfil these then please report here if you require any assistance or have managed to secure a path to completion:
■ Contact industrial representatives for sub-contracting of engine component production to begin replacement of the Von Claussen's current system, potential industrial parties are: IMG, ALG, Order.
■ Secure a source of tooling machinery for local production of engine components, preferably with high automation and with no restriction to its software or usage. Contact sympathetic parties, civilian or corporate, this asset is a long-term gain.
■ Establish designs for extensive habitation support for crew deployments, minimizing the stress for said crews during their distant operation zones.
■ Obtain heavy weapon systems compatible with power-core systems, while Daumann produced military artillery would be best, adaptations from allied technologies is acceptable. parties to consider discussions with: ALG, Order, Hessians, Zoners.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Perseverance in desperation