Planet Kyushu, Kurume District, House Kusari, 834 A.S
Vice-Minister of Economy & Industry - Goro Yamakazi
Director Cross.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Your interest into one of the finest pieces of Kusari artisanship honors you, however it saddens us to inform you that your contacts at Samura Industries are misinformed. Ongoing government contracts will continue to occupy Yokohama's reserve docks for the time being, including for the final refit of a government operated Amaterasu-class. Further, the Ministry contemplates issuing a full stop on the construction and sale of these vessels for foreign entities due to an ongoing legal issue regarding ship insurances. The terrorist attack on Roppongi was followed by a contemporary retreat of operations by Interspace Commence and what appears to be unwillingness to handle insurance affairs for Amaterasu-class vessels operating outside of Kusari.
We will note down your interest and return back to you in the future.