ID:Caitlyn Cross Location:Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez. To:Minister Ryuu Majima Encryption:OS&C Alpha One Subject:Amaterasu Good Day Minister Majima
I am Caitlyn Cross the Chairwoman of Orbital Spa of Cruise. I have taken over this Communication from Mister Fujimoto Again as he is now the Orbital Liason to Samura to ensure that our Friends get everything they need from us to make this ship into an True Modern Wonder of Luxury. I have to say that we at Orbital Were Pleased that someone as Competent as you have taken over these negotiations after the Friest Message that we have sent got such an Unfriendly Reply.
But let us not Live in the Past, the Future is Far more Important. I am happy to inform you that your Worries about a Possible Lack of Insurance for our Wonderfull Amaterasu thankfully didn't Become a Reality. The AWES Branch of Interspace has given us the guarantee that we will get an Insurance Plan for the Amaterasu. We will be able to handle this over our Usual Insurance Agent once the Building of the Liner has Begun. I am also glad to inform you that Director Vega of AWES gave me his Word that he would Discuss the Matter of Insurance for the Golden Dragon with his Board of Directors and Review this Matter. I can not promise what the outcome of this consideration on the Interspace Side is, but at least you have now a Foot in the door for Further Negotiations. If you require a Neutral Place for said Negotiations then we would Like to offer you one of our Liners for this as well. Free of Charge of course. See it as a Continued Sign of our Goodwill towards Kusari and its People.
I already Received a Message from Director Kaimura That you Gave the Green Light to him, and I hope that this Confirmation about the Insurance will now be Enough to Start the Construction. As we are the First Foreigners to Own such a Technological Marvel we also Hope that this Approval From your Side includes a License to Move this Ship through Kusaris Systems so that we can begin the Regular Cruise Service as soon as we leave the Docks of Yokohama. And of course, a Notification of our Status to the Members of the Kusari Law Enforcement and Military Branches to Avoid Tragic Accidents. Currently, we Plan to have the Amaterasu Run Cruises between New Tokyo, the Liner Hawaii, and the Planet Manhattan. But we hope to Include the Houses of Bretonia and Rheinland in this Tours as soon as we acquire Licenses to Bring a Ship with such Considerable Firepower as the Amaterasu into their Houses. Our Legal Department is currently hard at work to acquire these Licenses as soon as possible.
For now, I thank you from the Bottom of my Heart for your Gracious Support Minster. Should we at Orbital Ever be able to do something to help you then please dont Hesitate to Contact me Directly. If you now Excuse me I have to Prepare my Ship for a Tour to Kusari, I want to be present at the Keel laying Ceremony for our Amaterasu.