ID:Caitlyn Cross Location:Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez. To:Minister Ryuu Majima Encryption:OS&C Alpha One Subject:Amaterasu Good Day Minister Majima
I am surprised that you still have Concerns about the Insurance Package of the Liner. But I am Gladly Sharing with you the Plans that we have for the Security of the Liner. But first I want to make things clear, we are not Responsible for any Contact between you and Interstpace. Furthermore, did Director Vega of Interspace only promise to "Review" the Matter Internally. It can be that this Review is still Ongoing or not. But if you want my opinion on this matter then I would advise you to contact the AWES Division Yourself. I had the Impression that Director Vega is a Fair Business Partner so you might want to give this approach a Chance. As I already mentioned Orbital would be more than happy to offer you one of our Liners as a Neutral Place for Further Negotiations. Also, I have to tell you that we at Orbital have never had any kind of Problems with the Insurance Packages of Interspace. Even after the Makinack Catastrophe we had received a Quick and Fair Service by Interspace.
But I also Understand your Security Concerns as a Liner of this Beauty and Class is of Course a Representation of the Nation of Kusari and deserves Adequate Protection. I Recently Discussed this Matter with the Director of Spa-Sec, that's our Security Division. We came to the conclusion that the Direct deployment of at least 2 Wings of Obsidian Class Verry Heavy Fighters on the Ship is Necessary to Ensure the Security of the Ship at all Times. Furthermore, will we Deploy Gunboats of Spa-Sec to Escort the Liner whenever we see it Necessary. On top of that comes the Quite Impressive Shields and Armament that the Amaterasu itself possesses. Oh and of course we are Planning to Hire Additional External security contractors Should it be Necessary and no Additional Spa-Sec Units are in the Area to Reach the Liner in Time. Furthermore, we are Cooperating Closely with the Local Law Enforcement Units and request information on the Security Situation among the Planed Route of Travel. If necessary we will Request further Escorts by Local Police or Military Vessles. But our Main Plan should this Liner ever come under fire is that the Escorts Distract the Enemy while the Liner Escapes under full Speed towards the Next Secure Port or Planet. But we are open to suggestions should you see it Necessary to Strengthen our Planed Defenses even More.
Our Security Branch Spa-Sec is one of the best in Sirius. We hire the Best EX-Military and Police Pilots out there. The Members of Spa-Sec are Highly Skilled Veterans and have Security Knowledge that is simply Priceless for OS&C operations. We Ensure the Loyalty of our Employees by paying them a High Wage, Free Healthcare, and a Retirement Package that is more than Generous.
As for your Last Concern that we might "Aid the Enemies of Kuari" I have to tell you that such a Suspicion does Offend us a Bit. I believe that You should be well aware that Orbital Spa and Cruise treats our Neutrality with the Houses of Sirius like a Holy Commitment. Our Neutrality is Sacred to us and we would Never do anything to Japerdise this. We know about your War with Gallia, and while we have some Buissnes with the Gallic in a Limited Amount. We have no Plans to Bring the Amaterasu into Gallic Space. Kurently we plan to keep the Ship Inside of Sirian House Space and have Applied for Licenses of Travel in Both Breonia and Rheinland. It might be possible that among the Guests we will have Politicians or Officials of these Houses but to offer someone a Holiday that Might Change their View on Kusari would be Hardly something that I would call an "Aid" to your enemies. But of course, we will Eventually Adjust our Stance towards Traveling into Certain Regions should the political or Security Situation in these Regions Change in any way, shape, or form. We Do not Intervene in the conflicts between the Houses that occur from time to time. If at all then we are Offering our Liners as Neutral Meeting Grounds for Peace Talks and Conferences. Our Stance against the Criminal Elements that Operate in Kusari like the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums should be Clear as they cause substantial economic damage to Orbital Spa and Cruise when they Pirate our Liners and sometimes even attack them. So please let me assure you that Orbital would never Aid your Enemies.
I hope I was able to Dispel all of your still still-existing fears about the Sale of this Amaterasu. And I wanted you to be among the First that Knows the Name of this New Liner. We have Chosen the Name Karuizawa in Honor of a Resort Town that Existed in the Lands of your Ancestors on Old Earth.