You are aware that everyone, themselves, can prevent something like this from happening. By doing their due diligence and just a minimal amounts of research.
As an example, let's take your case of the "Schwarze Sonne". Just the most rudimentary of research will lead you to something like the Wikipedia article, which admittedly isn't something that'd be used in academics, but suffices to get a base level of understanding of the subject matter. It literally states, in the first paragraph, that the symbol originates from Nazi Germany.
Same applies to literally 99.9% of cases in which names relating to the 3rd Reich are used. A simple search by the user would've revealed the problematic nature of them. So it begs the question of if it's either negligence or malice.
The staff is not responsible for preventing you from doing mistakes, you yourself are. If you fail to do so, it's entirely on you.