Kōkyo, Imperial District, New Tokyo, House Kusari, 834 A.S
Chief Secretary Hikaru Takaki - Ministry of Economy
The Minister is not interested in discussing the business practices of Interspace any further, since it appears these would be words wasted.
You will do wisely steering clear of Gallic space and its borders. Genocidal scum like these will only see the vessels origin and do not hesitate to assault the vessel. This applies to any group of Gallic origin.
Your clarification is welcome and has been noted. Please be aware that as a general measure, unspecific to the circumstances of this business here, the Office of Intelligence reserve the right to carry out unannounced inspections of any vessel belonging to the Empire even beyond its border. Whilst Orbital Spa & Cruise normally is not considered a Kusari subject, they may make an exemption for this vessel in particular. This is just to inform you.