I want as much feedback as possible for my idea, so I will also throw it out here.
I want to enable OFs to RP out bulk licenses with symbolic fees for their respective faction, including indies. If there is no OF, an unofficial will do the trick too (Individuals for themselves still remains but you get the idea)
They would apply to: Bustards, Bulwarks + Longhorns (up to transport rework) (I also considered keeping Military GBs restricted for RP reasons but nobody uses corpo escorts anyway, so it is kinda redundant.)
Contraband/restricted cargo additions would be OF/unofficial for bulk requests. Individuals can still apply too.
JDs/Cloaks would remain faction/individual specific.
For convenience, pob produced vessels sold off to non-producer factions can be enlisted by the producer faction into a Gov database which will automatically treat the vessels as registered. It will obviously have liability clauses affecting the individual customer for screw-ups. It also grants the house the ability to differentiate between "legal" and "illicitly obtained" pob vessels then. This feels future proof well beyond transport rework, since it can easily be revived if we ever get ships deserving special treatment which are also pob made and rather open access.
This lowers the requirements to one comm + one payment (as it already is tho) and add a massive layer of convenience for both sides.