Whom are these restrictions made from? Casual players or PvP enthusiasts? Because even 2-3 bombers might also kill a cruiser so now bombers should also be outlawed?
What makes sense for me is that you put in house restrictions for casual level players. If Joe-1 and Joe-2 start playing Disco today and one of them flies a cruiser and the other flies a Hegemon, who would win? Who would win in a cruiser vs Bulwark, same settings? If the newbie flying Bulwark can make the newbie flying cruiser back off, then I think Houses have the right to inRP restrict Bulwark while leaving Barges, Hegemons, Longhorns be.
Or do you make the rules around aces? Then this is a never ending discussion as the ooRP balance is made around aces (afaik; if I'm wrong on that, my apologies). Should Houses be more active and actually protect traders in House space? Maybe. Do they still have a reason to inRP require licenses for ships considered dangerous? I think so, yes.
But also, if Houses are so inactive, then what difference does it make if something is outlawed or not? If they are not present on the server to defend traders, aren't they also absent to observe if people are flying caps in their space?