Name:Eleanor Helena Pendragon Date of Birth:808 A.S. Place of Birth:Westminster Mercy Hospital, Kensington Borough, Planet New London Place of Residence:Canterbury Station Pilot Licence registration number:BBP080402 Professional Experience (if any):I am a part-time escort pilot for Planetform Inc. Since 830. A.S. During this time I escorted many of their convoys to the Taus, Liberty and Kusari and fought pirates who tried to hijack the convoys. Motivation for Enlisting:Hard to explain it for me. My job at Planetform is great; they pay and treat their pilots well. Also, I did have the opportunity to see many fantastic things during these times, but... I don’t feel fulfilled as a patriot that I serve my nation well. That's when I thought about CDI, where I could serve our great nation better by helping to stop criminal activities inside our borders.