COMM ID:Jacqui-Emilia Delcroix de Montmartre TO:Harold Hopper, CDI TOPICEnlistment Process
I must say I am aware of such... potential difficulties for such work. Such risks are not entirely unfamiliar to me I admit, though there is a certain element of, what is the word, volatility to such a place, non? Regardless, the mere fact that my application made it to your desk means I cannot squander such a chance, even if this is some, how you say, practical joke. Still, I shall perhaps bite my tongue in public more than normal while planet side if those men are to be so indiscriminate then.
Blegh, such a pseudonym feels like speaking with rocks in my mouth, but I am willing to stoop to certain levels. Lord knows I already have. Such a thing may not be able to be avoided, especially with how when you Bretonians turn to crime it becomes particularly distasteful and fiery. There is a type of horrific irony to all this which I- . Wait, no, that sounds wretched, computer, ah... remove line... remove sentence?... effacer la dernière ligne? Unmake last text. Oh, merde.... Computer, begin message again, no do not send it I need to edit it!
- Jacqui-Emilia Delcroix de Montmartre
- Jackie Montgomery