Cutting short our pause to keep our momentum strong, we secured another fare with a group seeking passage to Planet Sprague in Omega-3 system. We got them loaded up and secure, and we were underway!
Rheinland still showing signs of wrestling with rogue factions when we arrived, only one lane into our journey, at Alster Shipyard. The last ring of the lane was disabled and security forces were just in the final minute of handling their quarry.
As we continued and arrived at the Jump Gate to New Berlin, there were some ALG ships that we followed through the lane from Alster, that took an abrupt hard right towards Planet Hanover. It struck me as odd when I noted it, but thinking back, there's probably a logical explanation, such as assessing the Vierlande Prison wreck for possible salvage.
Aside from these points of interest, and a brief local battle witnessed near the freeport in Omega-3 involving Corsairs (we managed to avoid), the rest of the flight was relatively painless and our passengers were excited to reach their destination. Netted a few positive reviews, all in a day's work!