I mostly keep to myself and don't engage on forum chit-chats, but since this went pretty far maybe one extra opinion might help out in the long run.
Ever since my first days on Disco, regarding PvP I was encouraged to take the capital ships road. Not because they are all mighty and imposing, but because they are a lot easier to play and learn to fight in than snubs. In my not so many attempts to fly snubs in PvP I found this to be true, my efforts were fruitless, mostly because it is a completely different fish food.
Personally I find the snub skill cap way too demanding to learn by just casual raids and events, unlike the cap gameplay. While the cap gameplay is mostly chill, you can enjoy a beer while raiding and so on, snub gameplay requires your fingerplay to be as of a piano player on triple dose of cardamine and a redbull (at least for me). Sure, this can all get better with conn, practice and dedication, but is it worth it? Not for everyone. Not that I'm old, but being in my 30's I have bigger priorities than try harding snub PvP in Conn. Even if your conjuncture allows you to train hard and learn them, not everyone will take this road. Maybe, just maybe, it would be a bit better overall if snubs would be easier to fly, for people like me who have some restrains in flying them, so that anyone with a tiny bit of experience can perform average in any scenario.
I would love to fly snubs more often, or when the situation demands it to be able to switch to a snub and do my job in a decent or average way like I do in caps, but it might never happen.