Quote:From this point, you're free to destroy the Fragments. The best way to do so is to single-tap your Sunwreath turret, hence why we put it in a separate group. You can spot the fragments on the surface of an asteroid due to their unusual shape - sometimes they will be outlined, sometimes they stick out - give them a tap with your Sunwreath and you will quickly figure the Fragment pattern out.
I may just be blind, but what is the visual cue I'm looking for here? Is the damage splash from the gun supposed to highlight the fragment pattern?
There are also times when I see the node location via subtarget, but shooting that area does not break off a fragment, and I just destroy the asteroid. Should I just avoid using that menu?
Regardless, with these handicaps, I've gotten down to a 15 minute hegemon hold for platinum (3x DSE id). What's a good number to aim for?