Victor nodded as she told him of the creation, no doubt an excellent idea on paper with absolutely no forethought put into its execution. Ah. So the letter I sent you the other day regarding 'greasing of palms' and less than ideal familiarity with with the remaining Gauls isn't actually all that far fetched. That must be bloody frustrating. He could only imagine what other mischief the overzealous and undertrained CDI officers were getting up to. You'll have to forgive my prying on that matter, I wasn't there. A civilian passed the information along. However, I am also not here to criticize or condemn, I'm sure you get more than enough of that as it is. I hope to be able to provide you with some solutions and options.
True enough that the CDI might not be 'preforming' but that was hardly his department, still she was overworked and stressed, or at least he assumed she would be. In her reply to him, she wanted support, not critical opinions and he couldn't help but wonder if it might be time to revisit his old trade again.