my name is Renate von Bommel, enlisted Freifrau of ze Rheinland nobility system, part of ze Oberrat of ze Kaiserreichspolizei in Rheinland and, since recently, stellvertrende Direktorin of ze penal colony Hammersee in ze Rheinland system Lüneburg, formerly known as Sigma-15.
Herr Linhardt told me on a different channel, ze base already has a new management.
While I regret to not been able to see ze base relocated to Rheinland core space, I'm zankful to see ze installation is not abandoned. As I know from previous visits, ze installation was able to turn simple scrap into alloy.
We wish to construct a new field hospital on ze moon and are in need of 50.000 units of basic alloy. We've choosen you out of local convenience. We hope you can provide zis in a timely manner. Due ze importance of ze deliveries, I'm empored to offer you a bonus for your deliveries up to 20 sc per unit. Zis offer would be exclusive to you, so you don't have to fear some kind of competition. Please state your interest wizin a week, ozerwise I'll open ze offer to ze public.