We are certainly pleased about your commitment to provide ze expected amount of basic alloy to our colony. We hope ze hospital will greatly reduce ze absenteeism of prisoners on ze colony and will zerefore increase ze generated revenues for ze empire. Of courseI provide you ze requested information:
Delivery Schedule:
I assumed zat, if I mentioned ze need for delivery and already emphasized zis wiz ze bonus granted, it should be clear zat we will receive ze alloy as soon as possible. A delivery last week would have been ze best. It depends solely on your capacities. However, I do not want to give ze impression, zat we support unproductive workers, so we would have to be informed by you, in which time frame you can provide ze required amount.
Docking Permissions:
Alzough I do not know what type of ships you'll use for ze transport, I initially assume, zat zey are able to eizer pass ze docking ring or use ze corresponding mooring point. Docking permit is fulfilled as long as ze transports are not viewed as an enemy of ze empire. However, it would be expedient and in your own interest, if you can give me ze transponder code of ze ships, which you intend to send to our penal colony. I would zen forward zem to ze employees of ze docking area. I am sure you understand, zat unannounced ships are searched zoroughly, which could sometimes take several hours. Of course, our security protocols will not be downgraded.
Payment Details:
A manifest of ze delivery ships, wiz a time stamp, would be sufficient to prove ze arrival and allows us to assign ze goods to ze construction. If you agree, I would open up a separate contract for our small arrangement and transfer ze remuneration per shipped unit as soon as possible. You will zerefore also receive payments for partial deliveries and do not have to wait, until ze contract has been fulfilled.
Please note zat alzough I would like to support you furzer, ze digging for scrap is beneaz ze dignity of a Rheinland noble and you are on your own. Should you need some help, I suggest you eizer ask one of ze Kruger ships, which can be found regularly in Lüneburg or I would, in a case of extreme emergency, stoop to sent out one of our Uruz to support you wiz logistical tasks.