Fellow Hoodlum,Aug 21 2006, 09:38 AM Wrote:Children of the Stars ... Discord and Harmony are such a short step apart.
I'm not that much good with these rhythms and rhyme
But a Lancers life becomes all engrossing you'll find
Its not just those stars and systems will take us away
Theres the time on the board that is all part of the play
Difficult decisions to be made, do we just post one more
God look at the time, crept round to just before four
Widows have retired to their beds and slumber deep
Lancers fight to keep eyes open, should be asleep
She thinks us still crazy, but we're just growing old
The love is still there but it just never gets told
Forgive our stupid ways, please give us a chance
We can fly together and bring back some romance
Fellow Hoodlum ... To Skye from the Light
Hey Nineteen
No we got nothing in common
No we can't talk at all
Please take me along when you slide on down
The cuervo gold, the fine columbian make tonight a wonderful thing
Walter Becker - Donald Fagan
Thanks, Mate,
From the both 'o us.
Skye 'n Sancho
<span style="font-family:Trebuchet Ms">Brotherhood of Light ~ Grenoble ~ Belfast