Well, seeing such negative post from Snapp I feel like explaining a bit to the auditory so they might get a better understanding. Firstly I'd like to note that the fact the person grows personal hatred towards me, my characters (some are just independents not related in any fashion to the nomads or wilde) and other faction members is very wrong, and as stated does not go along with the membership. I cannot exactly tell what and how things were discussed in private, but I had a strong feeling that a viewpoint completely different from the one we maintain was attempted to push through. Mostly it just proves my point in necessity of the strict procedures of applying into the faction, as well as the privacy policy. I have to know person to trust him or her, so that issues in game and on forum can be solved in peaceful manner and nobody would put over their personal hatred towards individuals or groups of individuals both in-game and outside of the game. I strongly believe that this is very important to keep in mind. Another thing to note that the Keepers faction is neither open nor closed faction. You don't need to be invited into it to try, but neither you can be accepted on open basis. Under these terms the faction was made after lengthy consulting with admins and Igiss.
Now, as regards activity, we are quite active. An hour or so ago there were six of us online, and that's not even the maximum we reach at weekends at times. And were online for weeks almost every day. Not every faction around have that activity even. Myself and the members of the faction have a lot of playhours under their belt, so saying that the faction does not exist and inactive is very very far from truth. For example my nomad character combined have 500+ hours on them, is that not enough to be qualified as active?
And I have no hard feelings towards Snapp, if that's his view, well, I'm sorry, but I do have requirements for applicants too. Hence some can prove themselves quicker than the others, there are many factors, such as history of being in other factions, testimonials from other players, their opinions, what applicant personally thinks on many topics, some of which are not even related to FL but rather in general how they understand the game and gaming in general, what their preferences are, what things are important for them and what are not, and so on, the list can go lengthy. But for those who are showing aggression, impatience and qualities generally not welcome there suspicious as to the honesty of the intents and the exact reasons arise, resulting in delays to make sure what exactly an applicant seeks there, and how he or she is likely to behave as a member. I'd like to put emphasis on the fact that sometimes membership of an applicant is affected from the outside. For example I receive positive feedback from individual players or group of players as regard this or that applicant, so I definitely listen to their opinion and suggestions, because I believe it is not strictly and only my decision that decides the result.
Since it has gone past the original topic into somewhat of a discussion of our membership policy - feel free to ask your questions.