Dab,Aug 22 2006, 08:22 PM Wrote:Shadow, rank of your character means almost NOTHING. I have a rank 15-16 character in an Eagle with 4 wildfires, MkVII armor, nomad thruster, and nova torp launcher. The eagle itself is worth nothing. Someone could have a level 35 Eagle, or Sabre, or Ravenclaw, and be better than a level 47 wraith, talon, anything. Your rank number doesn't change the odds of a fight. It doesn't gain you extra agility, or skill. It is nothing more than an indicator of the money you have.
Or equipment value. Sure, its true that skill is more important than your weaponry but better weaponry still helps.
Returning with a Vengeance June 2007 Sirius Universal Time.
We are coming.
BDBC-Yamato - Talarca Light Battlecruiser
BDBS-Musashi - Kusari Heavy Battleship (to be stolen)
BDF-Shinano - Blood Dragon Fighter *
FL-Monarch (to be commissioned) **
</span> The 大和, Battlecruiser Yamato, is Admiral Yamato's personal yacht and primary combat ship.
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'> The 武蔵, Battleship Musashi, is Admiral Yamato's command center and mobile base of operations for his personal fleet. * The 信濃, Fighter Shinano, is Admiral Yamato's personal fighter and reconnaisance ship, used for backup purposes. ** The Monarch is a freelance freighter captained by Bretonian Navy veteran, William Earnshaw Jr.