not dead, - i completed hardpointing, completed ingame tests in OpenSP - made all docking, redocking, hardpoints - etc. test runs and its been submitted a week ago. submitted with the suggestion to make it an identical ship to the container transport with slightly more armour, as its roughly 1-5% larger ... and bretonian, which stands for more armour than kusari, imo.
edit: it was modified into the container transport ..... bretonian style - and right now, i m working on a zoner transport for 5000 units - well, as a matter of fact, i m not really.... i m more watching the olympics. with the percheron retextured by doom, and the bretonian container transport - bretonia has a 3000 and a 4300 transport, which should be more than enough.... unless you simply cannot life without a 5000 transport .... but bretonia also sells the firefly which is sort of a unique large transport in its own class - smaller than a whale with extraordinary large cargo capacity and quickness.